Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Experimenting with props

Yesterday in my moment of enthusiasm, I went to ikea and bought a whole bunch of things. Things I could use for a photograph session with pets. The most important was to acquire some throws of various colours to create a backdrop. Today I went to buy a backdrop stand, however, the shop was out of stock so I had to think of a different way in which to create my backdrop. It somewhat was a success although taking photographs of the dogs, and they were my pets proved to be a little bit challenging but rewarding. Here are some of the shots I took.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Belly Dancing for El Malik


Yesterday I went to the Temple of Fine Arts to support my friend's new play called Qismat! It was an amazing play and I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning til the end. The variety of expressions portrayed in the actors and actresses faces, the multifaceted roles they had to take on, and being able to turn on and off as needed. Truly these are very gifted and talented kids and young adults. The lighting proved to be very difficult in terms of taking photographs but it wasn't impossible. These were the few shots taken from that night.